Παρασκευή 9 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblische Notizen / The current issue of Biblische Notizen

 Biblische Notizen 186 (2020)

Changes in the Study of Sacred Texts

  • Jessi Orpana / Mika S. Pajunen, "Introduction to 'Changes in the Study of Sacred Texts'," 3-5
  • Mika S. Pajunen, "Textual Plurality of Scripture in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Theories of Textual Transmission," 7-27
  • Ville Mäkipelto, "An Integrative Approach to Textual History: How Fluid Textual Traditions Challenge Methodology", 29-49
  • Joanna Töyräänvuori, "Psalm 29 and Methodological Triangulation: What Can  Ugaritic Parallels and Iconographic Motifs Add to the Interpretation of a Psalm?" 51-73
  • Timo Tekoniemi,  Enhancing the Depiction of a Prophet: The Repercussions of"Textual Criticism for the Study of the Elisha Cycle," 75-106
  • Miika Tucker, "Characterizing the Translation Differences within Septuagint Jeremiah According to Known Revisional Tendencies," 107-130

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