Παρασκευή 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του RRE / In the current issue of RRE

 Religion in the Roman Empire 6/1 (2020)

  • Harry O. Maier, Emiliano R. Urciuoli, "Urban Religion at the Neighbourhood Level in the Roman Empire: Christ Religion as Case Study,"  3-19 (abstract)
  • Emiliano R. Urciuoli, "Good) People Next Door," 20-47 (abstract)
  • Jan N. Bremmer, "Urban Religion, Neighbourhoods and the Early Christian Meeting Places,"  48-74 (abstract)
  • Richard Last, "The Silence of a God-Fearer: Anonymous Dedication in CIL 6.390a = 30752,"  75-103 (abstract)
  • Harry O. Maier, "Romans Watching Romans: Christ Religion in Close Urban Quarters and Neighbourhood Transformations," 104-121 (abstract)

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