Πέμπτη 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ASE / In the current issue of ASE

 Annali di storia dell' esegesi 37/1 (2020)

Die Rezeptionsgechichte des Jona-Buches in christlicher Literatur

  • Manuel Vogel, "Menschensohn und Jonazeichen: Exegetische und theologische Beobachtungen zu Mt 12,28-42 / Lk 11,29-32," 13-28
  • Katharina Bracht, "Die Rezeption des Jona-Buches bei Hieronymus von Stridon: Der Jona-Kommentar als heteronomer Text," 29-52
  • Boško Erić, "Prophet Jonah and the Ninevites in the Madrashe on Virginity by Ephrem the Syrian," 53-72
  • Rodoljub Kubat, "Reception of the Book of Jonah in the Exegesis of Theodore of Mopsuestia," 73-88
  • Dragan Radic, "The Reception of the Book of Jonah by Theodoret of Cyrus," 89-100
  • Ivaylo Naydenov, "Jona im orthodoxen Gottesdienst," 101-108
  • Eva-Maria Gummelt, "Reception History and its Value—a German Lutheran View," 109-120
  • Cosmin Pricop, "Bibel-Rezeption durch liturgische Texte: Das Beispiel des orthodoxen Verlobungsgottesdienstes," 121-136
  • Moschos Goutzioudis, "The Narrative of Jesus’ Baptism and its Reception in the Worship of the Church," 137-150
  • Darko Krstić, "Stephan Nemanja, Ruler and Seer. The Reception of Apocalyptic Visions in Purpose of the Theological Articulation of “translatio imperii” in the Hagiography of Saint Symeon by Stephan II Nemanjic (the First-Crowned)," 151-164
  • Vladan Tatalović, "The Reception of Jesus’ First Sign in Serbian Medieval Fresco Painting," 165-170

Early Christianity

  • Jan Bremmer, "Early Christians in Corinth (A.D. 50–200): Religious Insiders or Outsiders?" 181-202

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