Δευτέρα 31 Αυγούστου 2020

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Revue de Qumran / In the current issue of Revue de Qumran

 Revue de Qumran 32/1 (2020)

  • Eric D. Reymond, "Divergences in the Hebrew of the Scrolls: A Review of Elisha Qimron's A Grammar of the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls," 3 - 42 (abstract)
  • Émile Puech, "Exercices de deux scribes à Khirbet Qumrân: KhQ 161 et KhQ 2207," 43 - 56 (abstract)
  • Ingrid Breilid Gimse, "The Post-2002 Fragments' Dependency on Modern Editions of the Hebrew Bible," 57 - 77 (abstract)
  • Vasile Babota, "The Sons of Zadok, the Hasmonean Royal High Priesthood, and the Book of Ezekiel," 79 - 116 (abstract)


  • Eibert Tigchelaar, "Additional 4Q397 (4QMMTd) Fragments," 117 - 120 (abstract)
  • Rebekka Luther -  Idan Derschowitz, "Four Unidentified Fragments from 4QJoba (4Q99)," 121 - 127 (abstract)
  • Eibert Tigchelaar, "4Q99 (4QJoba) Frag. 23 (Job 36:20-22)," 129 - 134 (abstract)
  • Émile Puech, "Le targum de Job de la grotte 4: 4Q157 = 4QTgJob," 135 - 141 (abstract)
  • Eibert Tigchelaar, "Filling Gaps in 4QNarrative and Poetic Composition: Another Fragment of 4Q373a,"  143 - 147 (abstract)

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