Τρίτη 4 Αυγούστου 2020

Nέα άρθρα στο τρέχον τεύχος του Open Theology / New articles of biblical interest in the current issue of Open Theology

Open Theology 6/1 (2020)
  • Cat Quine, "Bereaved Mothers and Masculine Queens: The Political Use of Maternal Grief in 1–2 Kings," 407-421 (abstract)
  • Zdeňka Špiclová and Vojtěch Kaše, "Distant Reading of the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of John: Reflection of Methodological Aspects of the Use of Digital Technologies in the Research of Biblical Texts," 423-439 (abstract)
  • Andrew B. Perrin, "Greek Gospels and Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls: Compositional, Conceptual, and Cultural Intersections," 440-456 (abstract)

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