Τετάρτη 1 Ιουλίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblica / The current issue of Biblica

Biblica 101:1 (2020)
  • Dominik Markl, "The Babylonian Exile as the Birth Trauma of Monotheism," 1 - 25 (abstract)
  • Jeffrey L. Cooley, "Divinatory Process in Judah:  Mantic Marginalia and the Growth of Isaiah 7,10-17,"  26 - 46 (abstract)
  • Marcin Kowalski, "The Cognitive Spirit and the Novelty of Paul's Thought in Rom 8,5-6," 47 - 68 (abstract)
  • Joel White, "The Paraenetic Use of 'Spiritual Songs' (Col 3,16b) in Colossians," 69 - 86 (abstract)
  • Antonio Pitta, "A Peg to Hang 1 Thessalonians on? Nature and Function of 1 Thess 1,9-10," 87 - 106 (abstract)
  • Christoffer Theis, "Contributions to the Vocabulary of the Old Testament:  The Connection of the Name סוא with Greek Σηγωρ in 2 Kings 17,4," 107 - 113 (abstract)
  • Brent A. Strawn, "עין גדי in Song of Songs 1,14,"  114-123 (abstract)
  • Caleb T. Friedeman, " The Rhetorical Design of 1 Peter 2,9-10," 124 - 131 (abstract)

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