Τρίτη 2 Ιουνίου 2020

To τρέχον τεύχος του JSOT / The current issue of JSOT

Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 44:4 (2020)

  • J Gerald Janzen - John T Noble, "Did Hagar give Ishmael up for dead? Gen. 21.14-21 re-visited," 517-531 (abstract)
  • Richard Anthony Purcell, "Yhwh, Moses, and Pharaoh: Masculine competition as rhetoric in the exodus narrative," 532-550 (abstract)
  • Elizabeth HP Backfish, " The function of alliteration in the prosaic and poetic accounts of the Deborah cycle," 551-562 (abstract)
  • Blaire A French, "Voices from below: The role of anonymous women’s opinion in the birth of Israel’s monarchy," 563-574 (abstract)
  • Benedetta Rossi, "Reshaping Jeremiah: Scribal strategies and the prophet like Moses," 575-593 (abstract)
  • Caitlin Hubler, "‘No longer will you call me ‘my Ba’al’’: Hosea’s polemic and the semantics of ‘Ba’al’ in 8th century B.C.E. Israel," 610-623 (abstract)
  • Will Kynes, "Morality and mortality: The dialogical interpretation of Psalm 90 in the book of Job," 624-641 (abstract)
  • Ellen van Wolde, "A network of conventional and deliberate metaphors in Psalm 22," 642-666 (abstract)
  • F Scott Spencer, "Song of Songs as political satire and emotional refuge: Subverting Solomon’s gilded regime," 667-692 (abstract)
  • Ian Young, "What is Old Greek Daniel chapter 8 about?" 693-710 (abstract)
  • Carsten Ziegert, "What is חֶ֫סֶד‎? A frame-semantic approach," 711-732 (abstract)
  • Vasile A Condrea, "Following the blueprint II: A new Biblical Hebrew syntactic outline derived from Harald Weinrich," 733-756 (abstract)
  • "Erratum to Dan Shall Judge: The Danites and Iron Age Israel’s Connection with the Denyen Sea People," 757–757

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