Τετάρτη 10 Ιουνίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NTS / The current issue of NTS

New Testament Studies 66:3 (2020)

  • John S. Kloppenborg, "Recruitment to Elective Cults: Network Structure and Ecology," 323-350 (abstract)
  • Candida R. Moss, Liane M. Feldman, "The New Jerusalem: Wealth, Ancient Building Projects and Revelation 21–22," 351-366 (abstract)
  • Martinus C. De Boer, "Expulsion from the Synagogue: J. L. Martyn's History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel Revisited," 367-391 (abstract)
  • Monique Cuany, "The Divine Necessity of the Resurrection: A Re-Assessment of the Use of Psalm 16 in Acts 2," 392-405 (abstract)
  • Alain Gignac, "Lorsque le katechon permet de repenser le politique. Discussion critique d'une thèse de Georgio Agamben en regard de la discursivité de 2 Th 2.1–17," 406-432 (abstract)
  • Ruben van Wingerden, "Carrying a patibulum: A Reassessment of Non-Christian Latin Sources," 433-453 (abstract)
  • Warren C. Campbell, "The Residue of Matthean Polemics in the Ascension of Isaiah," 454-470 (abstract

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