Τετάρτη 10 Ιουνίου 2020

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JTI / In the current issue of JTI

Journal of Theological Interpretation 14:1 (2020)

  • Wesley Hill, "In Defense of “Doctrinal Exegesis”: A Proposal, with Reference to Trinitarian Theology and the Fourth Gospel," 20-35 (abstract)
  • Loveday Alexander, "A Response to Wesley Hill, “In Defense of ‘Doctrinal Exegesis’: A Proposal, with Reference to Trinitarian Theology and the Fourth Gospel," 36-40 (abstract)
  • Richard S. Briggs, "A Test Case in Ascriptive Realism: The Quest of the Historical Daniel and Its Complex Relationship to the Practices of Scriptural Interpretation, 41-59 (abstract)
  • Darren Sarisky, "Ascriptive Realism and the Book of Daniel: Questions for Richard Briggs," 60-64 (abstract)
  • Francis Watson, "Putting “Theological Interpretation” in Its Place: Three Models and Their Limits," 65-73 (abstract)

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