Τετάρτη 3 Ιουνίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSHJ / The current issue of JSHJ

Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus 18:2 (2020)

  • Sarah E. Rollens, "Socialscapes and Abstractions: An Appraisal of Richard A. Horsley’s Theorizing of Antiquity," 101–123 (abstract)
  • Robert J. Myles, "Crowds and Power in the Early Palestinian Tradition," 124–140 (abstract)
  • Christopher B. Zeichmann, "Jesus ‘ben Pantera’: An Epigraphic and Military-Historical Note," 141–155 (abstract)
  • Sean F. Everton and Daniel T. Cunningham, "The Quest for the Gist of Jesus: The Jesus Seminar, Dale Allison, and Improper Linear Models," 156–189 (abstract)

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