Κυριακή 21 Ιουνίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

Journal of BIblical Literature 139/2 (2020)

  • Stephen M. Wilson, "Fear, Love, and Leadership: Posing a Machiavellian Question to the Hebrew Bible," 233-253 (abstract)
  • Jaeyoung Jeon, "The Scout Narrative (Numbers 13) as a Territorial Claim in the Persian Period," 255-274 (abstract)
  • Richard Anthony Purcell, "The King as Priest? Royal Imagery in Psalm 110 and Ancient Near Eastern Iconography," 275-300 (abstract)
  • Jacqueline Vayntrub, "Tamar and Her Botanical Image," 301-318 (abstract)
  • Stephen C. Carlson, "A Bias at the Heart of the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (CBGM)," 319-340 (abstract)
  • Andrew W. Pitts, "The Fowler Fallacy: Biography, History, and the Genre of Luke-Acts," 341-359 (abstract)
  • Andrew Messmer, "Maranatha (1 Corinthians 16:22): Reconstruction and Translation Based on Western Middle Aramaic," 361-383 (abstract)
  • Kenneth M. Wilson, "Reading James 2:18–20 with Anti-Donatist Eyes: Untangling Augustine’s Exegetical Legacy," 385-407 (abstract)
  • Max Botner, "The Essence of a Spiritual House: Misunderstanding Metaphor and the Question of Supersessionism in 1 Peter," 409-425 (abstract)
  • Nicholas E. Wagner, "P.Duk. inv. 764: A Fragment from a Papyrus Codex with a Quotation of Proverbs 22:20," 427-435 (abstract)

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