Τετάρτη 24 Ιουνίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του DSD / The current issue of DSD

Dead Sea Discoveries 27:2 (2020)

  • James Nati, "The Rolling Corpus: Materiality and Pluriformity at Qumran, with Special Consideration of the Serekh ha-Yaḥad,"  161–201 (abstract)
  • Nadav Sharon, "'Four Kingdoms' in the Dead Sea Scrolls? A Reconsideration," 202–233 (abstract)
  • Laura Quick, "The Hidden Body as Literary Strategy in 4QWiles of the Wicked Woman (4Q184)," 234–256 
  • Rick Bonnie, Matthew Goff, Jutta Jokiranta, Suzie Thomas and Shani Tzoref, "Professional Ethics, Provenance, and Policies: A Survey of Dead Sea Scrolls Scholars," 257–293 (abstract)

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