Δευτέρα 22 Ιουνίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BBR / The current issue of BBR

Bulletin of Biblical Research 30:2 (2020)

  • Jason S. DeRouchie, "The Addressees in Zephaniah 2:1, 3: Who Should Seek Yhwh Together?" 183-207 (abstract)
  • Andrew Mitchell, "Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done: A Study of Matthew 6:10," 208-230 (abstract)
  •  Paul M. Hoskins, "A Neglected Allusion to Leviticus 4–5 in Jesus’s Words Concerning His Blood in Matthew 26:28," 231-242 (abstract)
  • John C. Peckham, "Rules of Engagement: God’s Permission of Evil in Light of Selected Cases of Scripture, 243-260 (abstract)
  • Richard Hess, "An Archaeological Synthesis of Israel’s History, " 261-276 (abstract)

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