Τετάρτη 27 Μαΐου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του CBR / The current issue of CBR

Currents in Biblical Research 18:3 (2020)

  • Preston L. Atwood, "The Peshiṭta of Isaiah in Past and Present Scholarship," 211-245 (abstract)
  • Mitchel Modine, "Case Studies in Recent Research on the Book of Numbers (with Attention to Non-Western Scholarship)," 246-267 (abstract)
  • Lynne Moss Bahr, "The ‘Temporal Turn’ in New Testament Studies," 268-279 (abstract)
  • Christopher W. Skinner, "Ethics and the Gospel of John: Toward an Emerging New Consensus?" 280-304 (abstract)

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