Τρίτη 21 Απριλίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JAJ / The current issue of JAJ

Journal of Ancient Judaism 10:3 (2019)
  • Jodi Magness, "Herod the Great’s Self-Representation Through His Tomb at Herodium," 258–287 (abstract)
  • Zeev Gur, "The Bathsheba Affair as a Royal Apology of King Solomon," 288–353 (abstract)
  • Eliran Arazi, "Corpse Impurity in Second Temple Judaism: A Revised Approach in Light of the Order of Meaning of Honor and Shame," 354–394 (abstract)
  • Jonathan Klawans, "Masked: Sagacity, Sophistry and Pseudepigraphy in Aristeas," 395–415 (abstract)
  • Karin Hügel, "Jüdische gesetzliche Auslegungen zu weiblicher Homoerotik," 416–454 (abstract)

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