Τετάρτη 8 Απριλίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του DSD / The current issue of DSD

Dead Sea Discoveries 27:1 (2020)

  • Robert Jones, "Priesthood and Cult in the Visions of Amram: A Critical Evaluation of Its Attitudes toward the Contemporary Temple Establishment in Jerusalem," 1-30 (abstract)
  • Ethan Schwartz, "The Exegetical Character of 1QS 3:13–4:26," 31–65 (abstract)
  • Yonatan Adler, "The Impurity of Stone Vessels in 11QTa and CD in Light of the Chalk Vessel Finds at Kh. Qumran," 66–96 (abstract)
  • Betsy Halpern Amaru, "Omission, Created Ambiguity, and Chronology in the Book of Jubilees," 97–122 (abstract)

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