Δευτέρα 6 Απριλίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του CBQ / The current issue of CBQ

Catholic Biblical Quarterly 82:2 (2020)

  • Francis M. Macatangay, "Fiduciary Duties and Wages in the Book of Tobit," 183-196 (abstract)
  • Samuel Hildebrandt, "Whose Voice Is Heard? Speaker Ambiguity in the Psalms," 197-213 (abstract)
  • Jacqueline Vayntrub, "Tyre's Glory and Demise: Totalizing Description in Ezekiel 27," 214-236 (abstract)
  • Gareth J. Wearne, "What Was the Book of Moses in 4QMMT?" 237-255 (abstract)
  • Dorothea H. Bertschmann, "'What Does Not Kill Me Makes Me Stronger': Paul and Epictetus on the Correlation of Virtues and Suffering," 256-275 (abstract)
  • Jerome H. Neyrey SJ, "Syncrisis and Encomium: Reading Hebrews through Greek Rhetoric," 276-299 (abstract)

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