Πέμπτη 23 Απριλίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BBR / The current issue of BBR

Bulletin of Biblical Research 30:1 (2020)

  • J. David Stark, "To Your Seed I Will Give . . . : The Land(s) Promised to Abraham in Genesis and Second Temple Judaism," 1-21 (abstract)
  • David G. Firth, "Reading Psalm 46 in Its Canonical Context: An Initial Exploration in Harmonies Consonant and Dissonant," 22-40 (abstract)
  • Edmund Neufeld, "Vulnerable Bodies and Volunteer Slaves: Slave Parable Violence in the Rest of Matthew," 41-63 (abstract)
  • David M. Shaw, "Restoring a Hemorrhaged Identity: The Identity and Impact of the Bleeding Woman in Luke 8:40–56," 64-85 (abstract)
  • Paul M. Hoskins, "Another Possible Interpretation of the Seven Heads of the Beast and the Eighth King (Revelation 17:9–11)," 86-102 (abstract)

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