Κυριακή 22 Μαρτίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblical Interpretation / The current issue of Biblical Interpretation

Biblical Interpretation 28:1 (2020)

  • Joel S. Baden, "Deuteronomy Reads the Pentateuch," 1-14 (abstract
  • Samuel L. Boyd, "Deuteronomy’s Prodigal Son: Deut. 21:18-21 and the Agenda of the D Source," 15–33 (abstract)
  • Susanna Asikainen, "The Masculinity of Jeremiah," 34–55 (abstract)
  • Christopher M. Hays - Milton Acosta, "A Concubine’s Rape, an Apostle’s Flight, and a Nation’s Reconciliation: Biblical Interpretation, Collective Trauma Narratives, and the Armed Conflict in Colombia," 56–83 (abstract)
  • Su-Chi Lin, "Becoming the Past: Time and Memory in Stanley Fung’s Biblical Icons," 84–99 (abstract)
  • Priscille Marschall, "Punctuating Paul’s Letters in Light of the Ancient Theory of Côla and Periods: The Example of 2 Corinthians 10:8-11," 100-125 (abstract)

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