Τετάρτη 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του HeBAI / The current issue of HeBAI

Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 8/4 (2019)

  • Jacqueline Vayntrub, Laura Quick, Ingrid E. Lilly, "Gender and Philology's Uncommon Sense," 379-387
  • Esther Brownsmith, "Mind the Gap: An Introduction to Biblical Philology, Gender, and the Two Mothers," 388-398 (abstract)
  • Shawna Dolansky, "A (W)hol(e)(y) Breach: Philology, Gender, and Meaning," 399-415 (abstract)
  • Sarah Shectman, "The Priestly Language of Gender," 416-430 (abstract)
  • Ingrid E. Lilly, "The Fertility of Bones: Towards a Corporeal Philology of Reproduction," 431-447 (abstract)
  • Laura Quick, "My Lord the Queen: Gender Discord in Comparative Perspective," 448-463 (abstract)

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