Τετάρτη 29 Ιανουαρίου 2020

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του VigChr / In the current issue of VigChr

Vigiliae Christianae 74:1 (2020)

  • Hans-Ulrich Weidemann, "Jesus als Typos der Mannhaftigkeit:  Männlichkeitsideale in Kyrill von Alexandriens Kommentar zur Johannespassion," 29–75 (abstract)
  • Alexander Treiger, "John of Scythopolis on Divine Darkness: A Neglected Christian Source on Late Antique Jewish Cosmology," 76–83 (abstract)
  • Josef Lössl, "Between Hipparchian Cynicism and Priscillian Montanism: Some Notes on Tatian, or. 3.6," 84–107 (abstract)

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