Δευτέρα 6 Ιανουαρίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Neot / The Current Issue of Neot

Neotestamentica 53:2 (2019)

  • Editorial: "Mothering Feminism," 227-230
  • Jeremy Punt, "Lilly Nortjé-Meyer’s (En)Gendered New Testament Hermeneutics: Theory, Practice, Engagement," 231-248 (abstract)
  • Yolanda Dreyer, "Remembering the 'Oldest Creed,' Overcoming the Age-Old Anomaly," 249-269 (abstract)
  • Marianne Bjelland Kartzow, "The Ambiguous Neighbour: Female Neighbourhood Networks and the Parable of the Lost Coin," 271-289 (abstract)
  • Nina Müller van Velden, "When Gender Performance Is Not Straightforward: Feet, Masculinity and Power in John 13:1–11," 291-309 (abstract)
  • Batanayi I. Manyika, Elna Mouton, "When Rhoda Opens the Door: Reimagining Ancient Households from the Perspective of the Least for the Least," 311-337 (abstract)
  • Llewellyn Howes, "The Q Parables of the Mustard Seed and Leaven: Half-Baked and Garden-Variety Metaphors?" 339-374 (abstract)
  • Alta Vrey, "The Body Metaphor Reinforcing the Identity of the In-Group in Ephesians," 375-393 (abstract)
  • Chris L. de Wet, "Slavery and Asceticism in 1 Timothy," 395-419 (abstract)
  • Miranda N. Pillay, "Reading Revelation 18: A South African Theo-Ethical Feminist Perspective in a Context of Violence against Women," 421-436 (abstract)

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