Τρίτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NTS / The current issue of NTS

New Testament Studies 66:1 (2020)
  • Hector M. Patmore, " « Arrière de moi, Satan ! Tu m'es en scandale ! » (Mt 16.23). Analyse de l'ajout du rédacteur dans son contexte juif," 1-20 (abstract)
  • Lukas Bormann -Hannah Kreß, "„Free from German ‚Schulmeinungen‘ and Other One-Sidedness“: Die Entstehungsgeschichte der New Testament Studies (1936–1954)," 21-50 (abstract)
  • Reuben Bredenhof, "Looking for Lazarus: Assigning Meaning to the Poor Man in Luke 16.19–31," 51-67 (abstract)
  • Thomas Tops, "The Orientation of the Teaching of the Paraclete in the Gospel of John: Retrospective or Prospective?"  68-86 (abstract)
  • Jonathan A. Linebaugh, "‘The Speech of the Dead’: Identifying the No Longer and Now Living ‘I’ of Galatians 2.20," 87-105 (abstract)
  • Edward P. Meadors, "Isaiah 40.3 and the Synoptic Gospels’ Parody of the Roman Road System," 106-124 (abstract)
  • Katja Kujanpää, "Scriptural Authority and Scriptural Argumentation in 1 Clement," 125-143 (abstract)
  • Christopher D. Stanley, "Paul the Cosmopolitan?" 144-163 (abstract)



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