Δευτέρα 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Kleos / In the current issue of Kleos

Kleos 2 (2019)

Sander Egberink, "Revisiting Statues: The appropriation of Pompeius Magnus at the Forum of Augustus"
Ever since Paul Zanker published his book ‘Forum Augustum’ in 1968, there has been debate regarding the Forum of Augustus as a ‘propaganda forum’. In this article, a novel approach is suggested to add to this debate by borrowing the notion of ‘appropriation’ from cultural history. In order to attune this approach to the study of ancient monuments, the three questions of how, why and who serve as analytical tools to study the process of appropriation. The case under study is the group of Republican statues at the Forum of Augustus, more specifically the statue of Pompeius Magnus.
The result of the analysis is twofold:
1. appropriation is a useful notion for the study of monuments in which the past played a pivotal role;
2. psychological preparation, selection criteria and deliberate alterations, as well as the design of comparison for visitors, were all highly relevant in the appropriation of the Republican past in the Forum Augustum.

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