Δευτέρα 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του DSD / The current issue of DSD

Dead Sea Discoveries 26:3 (2019)

  • Jutta Jokiranta - Jessica M. Keady, "Introduction," 273–279 
  • Katie Edwards - Johanna Stiebert, "Gender in Biblical Studies: a Brief Overview," 280–294 (abstract)
  • Jessica M. Keady, "A Gendered Reading of Purity and Boundaries: 4QTohorot A (4Q274) as a Case Study," 295–313 (abstract)
  • Ari Mermelstein, "Conceptions of Masculinity in the Scrolls and the Gendered Emotion of Anger," 314–338 (abstract)
  • Maxine L. Grossman, "Sectarian Marital Practice: Rethinking the Role of Sexuality in the Dead Sea Scrolls," 339–361 (abstract)
  • Philip F. Esler, "Female Agency by the Dead Sea: Evidence from the Babatha and Salome Komaïse  Archives," 362–396 (abstract)
  • Eileen M. Schuller - Cecilia Wassén, "Response: Past and Present Trends—Future Trajectories," 397–412 (abstract)

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