Κυριακή 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Ancient Society / In the current issue of Ancient Society

Ancient Society 49 (2019)

  • Benedikt Eckhardt, "Some Aspects of the History of Private Associations in the Ancient Levant," 1-39 (abstract)
  • Georges Raepsaet, "Énergies animales mises en œuvre: Charges et poids voiturés dans le monde gréco-romain," 41-102 (abstract)
  • Aikaterini Koroli, "Display of Erudition in the Periphery of the Graeco-Roman World: The Example of P. David 14," 123-140 (abstract)
  • Martina Minas-Nerpel, "Ptolemaic Queens as Ritualists and Recipients of Cults: The Cases of Arsinoe II and Berenike II," 141-183 (abstract)
  • Michael B. Charles - Michael Singleton, "Elephant Statuettes in the Nubia Museum, Aswan: Implications for our Understanding of Elephants, Meroë and its Interaction with Ptolemaic Egypt," 207-229 (abstract)
  • Emily Cole, "Negotiating Elite Identity through Linguistic Display in Ptolemaic and Early Roman Egypt," 231-258 (abstract)
  • Flip de Bree, "Roman Monetary Notations for Small Change," 259-325 (abstract)
  • Rachel Meyers, "On Her Own: Practices of Female Benefaction in the Western Roman Empire," 327-350 (abstract)
  • Anouk Vermeulen, "Landscapes in Stone and Bronze: The Roman formae of Orange, Ilici, Lacimurga and Verona," 351-377 (abstract)

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