Παρασκευή 29 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Tο τρέχον τεύχος του HeBAI / The current issue of HeBAI

Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 8:3 (2019)

  • Christian Frevel, "The Importance of the Book of Numbers in Pentateuchal Research," 203-212 
  • Walter Bührer, "Law and Narrative as »Inner-Biblical Interpretation« in the Book of Numbers," 213-239 (abstract)
  • Adriane Leveen, "Narrative Concept(s) of the Book of Numbers," 240-256 (abstract)
  • Christian Frevel, "The Various Shapes of Moab in the Book of Numbers: Relating Text and Archaeology," 257-286 (abstract)
  • Katharina Pyschny, "From Core to Centre: Issues of Centralization in Numbers and Deuteronomy,"  287-312 (abstract)
  • Stephen Germany, "Concepts of Land in Numbers and Joshua," 313-331 (abstract)
  • Louis C. Jonker, "Numbers and Chronicles: False Friends or Close Relatives?" 332-377 (abstract)

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