Κυριακή 3 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JRS / In the current issue of JRS

Journal of Roman Studies 109 (2019)

  • Brent D. Shaw, "Did the Romans Have a Future?" 1-26 (abstract)
  • Myles Lavan, "The Army and the Spread of Roman Citizenship," 27-69 (abstract)
  • Alison E. Cooley, "From the Augustan Principate to the Invention of the Age of Augustus," 71-87 (abstract)
  • Katherine McDonald, "Education and Literacy in Ancient Italy: Evidence from the Dedications to the Goddess Reitia," 131-159 (abstract)
  • Aaron Pelttari, "The Reader and the Resurrection in Prudentius," 205-239 (abstract)
  • Joshua J. Thomas, "The Illustrated Dioskourides Codices and the Transmission of Images during Antiquity," 241-274 (abstract)
  • Blake Leyerle, "Tertullian's Chameleon," 275-289 (abstract)



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