Δευτέρα 14 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JRA / In the current issue of JRA

Journal of Roman Archaeology 32 (2019)

  • Katherine A. Larson, "Cheap, fast, good: the Roman glassblowing revolution reconsidered," 7-22 (abstract
  • Giorgio Rizzo - Violeta Moreno Megías, "Roma e le prime importazioni di alimenti ispanici trasportati in anfora," 23-38 (abstract)
  • Philip T. Stinson, "The multifaceted architectural refinements in the Julio-Claudian Sebasteion at Aphrodisias," 39-65 (abstract)
  • Imed Ben Jerbania - J. Andrew Dufton - Elizabeth Fentress - Ben Russell, "Utica’s urban centre from Augustus to the Antonines," 66-96 (abstract)
  • Francesca Bologna, "Water and stone: the economics of wall-painting in Pompeii (A.D. 62-79)," 97-128 (abstract)
  • Irene Bragantini, "Towards a cultural biography of Roman painting," 129-147 (abstract)
  • John Bodel - Andreas Bendlin - Seth Bernard - Christer Bruun - Jonathan Edmondson, "Notes on the elogium of a benefactor at Pompeii," 148-182 (abstract)
  • Myles Lavan, "The manpower of the Roman fleets," 183-200 (abstract)
  •  Select Capricorno Alae VII Phrygum … (i) Interim report on the fort near Tel Shalem
  • Benjamin Arubas - Michael Heinzelmann - David Mevorah - Andrew Overman, "Capricorno Alae VII Phrygum … (i) Interim report on the fort near Tel Shalem," 201-213 (abstract)
  • Avner Ecker, - Benjamin Arubas - Michael Heinzelmann - David Mevorah, "(ii) Interim report on the inscriptions from the aedes of the fort near Tel Shalem," 214-222 (abstract)
  • Matthew M. McCarty - Mariana Egri - Aurel Rustoiu, "The archaeology of ancient cult: from foundation deposits to religion in Roman Mithraism," 279-312 (abstract)
  • Katherine M. D. Dunbabin - Işık Adak Adıbelli - Mehmet Çavuş - Doğukan Alper, "The man who came late to dinner. A sundial, a raven, and a missed dinner party on a mosaic at Tarsus," 329-358 (abstract

Advances in the archaeology of the Roman conquest

  • Nico Roymans - Manuel Fernández-Götz, "Reconsidering the Roman conquest: new archaeological perspectives," 415-420 
  • Hannah Cornwell, "Roman attitudes to empire and imperialism: the view from history," 478-484 

Archaeological Notes

  • Francesco D’Andria, " The Ploutonion of Hierapolis in the 5th-7th c. A.D.," 505-515 (abstract)
  • Ursula Quatember, "The Bouleuterion and its environs in Early Imperial Aphrodisias," 516-528 (abstract)

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