Δευτέρα 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Τα δύο τελευταία τεύχη του περιοδικού PEQ / The two recent issues of PEQ

Palestine Exploration Quarterly 151:1 (2019)
Linda Hulin, "In praise of learned societies and their journals," 1-2

Field reports 

  • Hakan Öniz, "A new Bronze Age shipwreck with ingots in the west of Antalya—preliminary results," 3-14 (abstract)
  • Matthew J. Adams, Mark Letteney & Max T. B. Peers, "Survey and excavations at Solomon’s Pools, Palestine: 2018 preliminary report," 15-35 (abstract)


  • Rosie Robertson, Phillip C. Edwards & Rosemary Coates, "A zoomorphic sickle terminal from the Natufian site of Wadi Hammeh 27 in Jordan," 36-49 (abstract)
  • Mohammed Al-Nasarat, "Petra, taxes and trade reconsidered in the light of the Petra Church archive," 50-68 (abstract)
  • Ali Al-Manaser & Jérôme Norris, "Two More Nabataean Inscriptions from the Syro-Jordanian Ḥarrah desert," 69-86 (abstract)


  • Casey Strine, "Minutes of the annual general meeting for the Palestine Exploration Fund, 7 June 2018," 87-98

Palestine Exploration Quarterly 151:2 (2019)

  • Avraham Faust, "‘The Inhabitants of Philistia’: On the identity of the Iron I settlers in the periphery of the Philistine heartland," 105-133 (abstract)
  • Roy Marom, "A short history of Mulabbis (Petah Tikva, Israel)," 134-145 (abstract)
  • David Ussishkin, "The murder of James Leslie Starkey: Addendum to the paper of Yosef Garfinkel," 146-154 (abstract)

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