Σάββατο 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NTS / The current issue of NTS

New Testament Studies 65:4 (2019)

  • Helen K. Bond, "A Fitting End? Self-Denial and a Slave's Death in Mark's Life of Jesus," 425-442 (abstract)
  • Justin J. Meggitt, "‘More Ingenious than Learned’? Examining the Quest for the Non-Historical Jesus," 443-460 (abstract)
  • Johannes Beutler, "Die Berufung des Andreas und des Philippus nach dem Johannesevangelium (Joh 1.35–46)," 461-476 (abstract)
  • Karin B. Neutel, "Women's Silence and Jewish Influence: The Problematic Origins of the Conjectural Emendation on 1 Cor 14.33b–35," 477-495 (abstract)
  • Robert G. T. Edwards, "The Theological Gospel of Peter?" 496-510 (abstract)
  • Aaron Michael Jensen, "The Syntax of the Correlative οὕτως … ὥστε in John 3.16 in the Light of Parallel Constructions in the Ancient Greek Corpus," 511-525 (abstract)
  • Michael P. Theophilos, "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ (Rev 17.14; 19.16) in Light of the Numismatic Record," 526-551 (abstract)
  • Zachary K. Dawson, "Does Luke's Preface Resemble a Greek Decree? Comparing the Epigraphical and Papyrological Evidence of Greek Decrees with Ancient Preface Formulae," 552-571 (abstract)
  • David J. Downs, "Physical Weakness, Illness and Death in 1 Corinthians 11.30: Deprivation and Overconsumption in Pauline and Early Christianity," 572-588 (abstract)
  • Anthony Giambrone, "A Note on Luke's Parable of the Minas and the Ancient Practice of Burying Coin Hoards," 589-597 (abstract)
  • Matthew J. Thomas, "Origen on Paul's Authorship of Hebrews," 598-609 (abstract)

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