Πέμπτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSJ / The current issue of JSJ

Journal for the Study of Judaism 50:3 (2019)

  • James M. Scott, "Paul’s Comparison of Himself with “the Abortion” (1 Cor 15:8): A Missing Link between the Qumran Book of Giants and the Manichaean Book of Giants," 291-318 (abstract
  • Anthony I. Lipscomb, "She is My Sister”: Sarai as Lady Wisdom in the Genesis Apocryphon," 319–347 (abstract)
  • Shem Miller, "Traditional History and Cultural Memory in the Pesharim," 348–370 (abstract)
  • Bryan R. Dyer, "'Like Phalaris in Every Way': 3 Maccabees and Its Portrait of Tyranny," 371–382 (abstract)
  • Ken M. Penner, "Philo’s Eschatology, Personal and Cosmic," 383–402 (abstract)
  • Ari Finkelstein, "Taking Herod to Task: Source Critical and New Historical Methods of Reading Herod’s Trial," 403–422 (abstract)

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