Σάββατο 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Horizons in Biblical Theology / The current issue of Horizons in Biblical Theology

Horizons in Biblical Theology 41:2 (2019)

  • A. K. M. Adam, "De-coding Hermeneutics," 127–161 (abstract
  • Gail P. Streete - Christopher R. Hutson, "Insights from Barclay, Paul and the Gift, Applied to the Shorter Pauline Letters," 163–173 (abstract
  • Wendell L. Willis, "Paul, the Gift and Philippians," 174–190 (abstract)
  • Jerry L. Sumney, "'We Are Obliged to Give Thanks': Aspects of Grace in 2 Thessalonians," 191–208 (abstract
  • Margaret Y. MacDonald, "God’s Gift in Ephesians: Dwelling in the Space of Divine Transcendence in the Face of Hopelessness and Dislocation," 209–223 (abstract
  • John M. G. Barclay, "Gift and Grace in Philippians, 2 Thessalonians, and Ephesians: a Response," 224–237 (abstract)

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