Τετάρτη 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Henoch / In the current issue of Henoch

Henoch 40:2 (2018)

Polemic Translations of Jewish Texts during the Middle Ages

  • Federico Dal Bo, "Jesus’ Punishment in Hell in the Latin Translation of the Babylonian Talmud. A Passage from Tractate Gittin in the Extractiones de Talmud," 165-195
  • Ulisse Cecini, "New Contributions to the Talmudic Textual Tradition in a Censored Passage about Jesus in the Latin Translation of the Talmud (13th Century)," 196-205
  • Federico Dal Bo - Alexander Fidora, "'Inicium Creationis Iesu Nazareni'. Toledot Yeshu in the Thematic Version of the Extractiones de Talmud," 206-222
  • Daniel Barbu - Yann Dahhaoui, "Un manuscrit français des Toledot Yeshu. Le ms. lat. 12722 et l’enquête de 1429 sur les juifs de Trévoux," 223-288


  • Elisa Uusimäki, "Local and Global. Philo of Alexandria on the Philosophical Life of the Therapeutae," 298-317
  • Paolo Sacchi, "Il patto di Gesù in Marco 14,22-24," 318-328

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