Κυριακή 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Greece & Rome / The current issue of Greece & Rome

Greece & Rome 66:2 (2019)

  • Stefano G. Caneva, "Kings and Elites in an Intercultural Tradition: From Diodorus to the Egyptian Temples," 179-202 (abstract)
  • Matthew Adam Cobb - Fiona Mitchell, "Eros at Junnar: Reconsidering a Piece of Mediterranean Art," 203-226 (abstract)
  • David F. Driscoll, "Mousikê, Social Standing, and Aesthetic Taste in Quaestiones Convivales 7.5 and 9.15," 227-250 (abstract)
  • Nicholas Lindberg, "The Emperor and His Animals: the Acquisition of Exotic Beasts for Imperial Venationes," 251-263 (abstract)
  • Marie Widmer, "Translating the Seleucid ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑ: Notes on the Titulature of Stratonice in the Borsippa Cylinder," 264-279 (abstract)

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