Δευτέρα 5 Αυγούστου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Neotestamentica / The current issue of Neotestamentica

Neotestamentica 53:1 (2019)

  • Philip la G. du Toit, "Was Paul a Christian?" 1-29 (abstract)
  • Jonathon Lookadoo, "Categories, Relationships and Imitation in the Household Codes of 1 Clement, Ignatius and Polycarp: A Comparison with Household Codes in the Pauline Corpus," 31-52 (abstract)
  • Stephen H. Smith, " 'He Appeared to Peter': Reconsidering the Hallucination Hypothesis," 53-78 (abstract)
  • Juraj Feník, "Children as Gift in the Gospel of Luke," 79-100 (abstract)
  • Kingsley Ikechukwu Uwaegbute, "A Social-Scientific Reading of Luke 4:16–19 and the Problem of Ethnic Minorities in Nigeria," 101-121 (abstract)
  • J. Gertrud Tönsing, "Scolding the 'Wicked, Lazy' Servant; Is the Master God?: A Redaction-Critical Study of Matthew 25:14–30 and Luke 19:11–27," 123-147 (abstract)
  • Holger Szesnat, "The Non-Canonical Version of the Story of Entrusted Money in Nicetas of Heraclea's Catena in Lucam: Revisiting Text and Manuscripts," 149-174 (abstract)
  • Gesila Nneka Uzukwu, "The Mission and Function of ὁ παράκλητος in Johannine Literature vis-à-vis Nigerian Pentecostal/Charismatic Beliefs and Teachings on ὁ παράκλητος," 175-192 (abstract)

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