Τρίτη 13 Αυγούστου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Classical Receptions Journal / In the current issue of Classical Receptions Journal

Classical Receptions Journal 11:3 (2019)

  • Rhiannon Easterbrook, "Merrie Arcadia: staging the pastoral in the age of the Clarion socialist movement," 256-273 (abstract)
  • Joanna Paul, "Drones over Pompeii: cinematic perspectives on antiquity in the digital era," 274-295 (abstract)
  • Giacomo Savani, "A misleading source: the fortuna of a sixteenth-century engraving and its impact on the history of Roman baths studies," 296-335 (abstract)
  • Sarah Derbew, "(Re)membering Sara Baartman, Venus, and Aphrodite," 336-354 

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