Παρασκευή 30 Αυγούστου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BiblInt / The current issue of BiblInt

Biblical Interpretation 27:3 (2019)

  • Saul M. Olyan, "'Are there Legal Texts in the Hebrew Bible that Evince a Concern for Animal Rights?'," 321–339 (abstract)
  • Carleen Mandolfo, "Women, Violence, and the Bible: The Story of Jael and Sisera as a Case Study," 340–353 (abstract)
  • Laura Quick, "Decorated Women: A Sociological Approach to the Function of Cosmetics in the Books of Esther and Ruth,"  354–371 (abstract)
  • Laura Carlson Hasler, "The Cited Documents of Ezra-Nehemiah: Does Their Authenticity Matter?" 372–389 (abstract)
  • Daniel J. D. Stulac, "Charting New Paths in Modern-Critical Exegesis: An Agrarian-Rhetorical Analysis of Isaiah 5," 390–412 (abstract)
  • Sébastien Doane and Nathan Robert Mastnjak, "Echoes of Rachel’s Weeping: Intertextuality and Trauma in Jer. 31:15," 413–435 (abstract)
  • Emily O. Gravett, "The Risk of Retelling: Gomer-bat-Diblaim, Biblical Retrieval, and the Male Gaze in The Prophet’s Wife," 436–461 (abstract)

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