Τρίτη 16 Ιουλίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του OTE / The current issue of OTE

Old Testament Essays 32:1 (2019)

  • Phil J. Botha, "Psalm 32 : a social-scientific investigation," 12-31 (abstract)
  • Wen-Pin Leow, "Changing one’s tune : re-reading the structure of Psalm 132 as complex antiphony,"  32-57 (abstract)
  •  Arie C. Leder, "'There he built an altar to the Lord' (Gen 12:8) City and Altar Building in Genesis," 58-83 (abstract)
  • Friday S. Kassa, "Who is my Brother? an ironic reading of Genesis 19:1-11," 84-100 (abstract
  • Albert J. Coetsee, "YHWH and Israel in terms of the concept of life in Deuteronomy," 101-126 (abstract)
  • Péter Jenei, "Strategies of stranger inclusion in the narrative traditions of Joshua–Judges : the cases of Rahab’s household, the Kenites and the Gibeonites," 127-154 (abstract)
  • Augustin L. Kagunge, "Pitie et non-violence dans 1S 24-26 : Cas de David versus Saül et Nabal," 155-173 (abstract)
  • Joshua Joel Spoelstra, "Mordecai’s royal vestments : princely and/or priestly?" 174-196 (abstract)
  • Wendy L. Widder, "Letting Nebuchadnezzar speak  : the purpose of the first-person narrative in Daniel," 197-214 (abstract
  • Daniel F. O’Kennedy, "Key themes in Zechariah 1-8," 215-228 (abstract)
  • Kivatsi J. Kavusa, "Ecological hermeneutics and the interpretation of biblical texts yesterday, today and onwards : critical reflection and assessment," 229-255 (abstract)
  • Benjamin Kilchör, "The pater tamilias as a landowner in the context of the slave laws of the Pentateuch. a brief response to Esias E. Meyer" 256-262 (abstract)

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