Πέμπτη 11 Ιουλίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BTB / The current BTB

Biblical Theology Bulletin 49:3 (2019)

  • David M. Bossman, "Presenting the Issue: The Many and the One: Finding Unity amid Diversity," 122
  • Stephen D. Campbell, "The Surety of God's Promises: A Theological Interpretation of Genesis 22," 123-131 (abstract)
  • Jerome H. Neyrey, "Was Jesus of Nazareth a Monotheist? Conversation with Cultural Studies," 132-145 (abstract)
  • Igor Lorencin, "Hospitality as a Ritual Liminal-Stage Relationship with Transformative Power: Social Dynamics of Hospitality and Patronage in the Third Epistle of John," 146-155 (abstract)
  • Abraham Ofir Shemesh, "'The Rabbis Maintained that it was Flaxseed': The Identification and Interpretation of Unidentified Biblical Plants in Aggadic Homilies," 156-168 (abstract)

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