Τετάρτη 24 Ιουλίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BN / The current issue of BN

Biblische Notizen 181 (2019)

  • Joachim J. Krause / Friedrich-Emanuel Focken / Walter Bührer, "Introduction: Redaction Criticism in a Metacritical Perspective: Opening the Discussion," 3-6
  • David M. Carr, "Looking at Historical Background, Redaction and Possible Bad Writing in Gen 6,1-4: A Synchronic and Diachronic Analysis," 7-24
  • Christoph Berner, "Die Gotteserscheinung am brennenden Dornbusch (Ex 3,1-6) als Testfall der Literarkritik," 25-45
  • Dominik Markl, "The Redactional Theologization of the Book of the Covenant: A Study in Criteriology," 47-61
  • Friedrich-Emanuel Focken, "The Economy of Synchronically and Diachronically Oriented Interpretations of Complex Old Testament Texts: The Example of the Narrative of Jeremiah’s Scrolls (Jer 43 LXX/Jer 36 MT)," 63-78
  • Hermann-Josef Stipp, "Ökonomie und Erklärungskraft exegetischer Hypothesen am Beispiel von Jer 36. Eine Antwort auf Friedrich-Emanuel Focken," 79-90
  • Jutta Krispenz, "„Hermetische Semiose“ in diachroner Exegese?" 91-104

(περιλήψεις / abstracts)

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