Παρασκευή 14 Ιουνίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZAW / The current issue of ZAW

Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 131:2 (2019)

  • Michaela Bauks, "Intratextual Exegesis in the Primeval History – the Literary Function of the Genealogies in View of the Formation of Gen 1–11," 177-193 (abstract)
  • Richard Pleijel, "To Be or to Have a nephesh?" 194-207 (abstract)
  • Andrew Tobolowsky, "Othniel, David, Solomon: Additional Evidence of the Late Development of Normative Tribal Concepts in the South," 207-219 (abstract)
  • Szabolcs-Ferencz Kató, "Der Tempelweihspruch Salomos (I Reg 8,12–13/LXX III Bas 8,53): Ein neuer Vorschlag," 220-234 (abstract)
  • Madadh Richey, "The Thunder of the Prophets: Elijah and Elisha’s גה’’ר (1Kgs 18:42; 2Kgs 4:34–35)," 235-243 (abstract)
  • Rony Kozman, "There is No »Fear« in »the Fear of the LORD«: Translating יראה as εὐσέβεια in Old Greek Isaiah," 244-256 (abstract)
  • Bryan Beeckman, "Proverbia de Animalibus: The Greek Rendering of Hebrew Animal Names in Proverbs," 257-270 (abstract)


  • Brent A. Strawn, "Who Anointed Whom in Numbers 35:25?" 271-278 (abstract)
  • Raanan Eichler, "Jehu, Horses, Camels, and Job: The Meaning of šip‘at," 279-286 (abstract)
  • Oded Tammuz, "The Sabbath as The Seventh day of the Week and a Day of Rest: Since When?" 287-294 (abstract)

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