Σάββατο 1 Ιουνίου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του περιοδικού Studies in Late Antiquity / In the recent issue of Studies in Late Antiquity

Studies in Late Antiquity 3:2 (2019)

  • Mark Anderson, "Christianizing the Planetary Week and Globalizing the Seven-Day Cycle," 128-191 (abstract)
  • Maria E. Doerfler, "The Holy Man in the Courts of RomeRoman Law and Clerical Justice in Fifth-Century Syria," 192-211 (abstract)
  • Leonard V. Rutgers, "Managing Early Christian Funerary Practice in the Catacombs of Ancient RomeNew Data and New Insights Using a Quantitative Approach," 212-250 (abstract)
  • Grace Stafford, "Early Christian Female Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Saint Menas, Saint Simeon the Elder, and Saint Thecla," 251-293 (abstract)

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