Τρίτη 11 Ιουνίου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του REJ / In the current issue of REJ

Revue des Études Juives 178:1-2 (2019)

  • Yigal Bloch / Jonathan Ben-Dov/ Daniel Stökl be Ezra, "The Rule of the Congregation from Cave 1 of Qumran: A New Annotated Edition," 1-46 (abstract)
  • Yochanan Breuer, "Coping with Word-Order Differences between Hebrew and Aramaic in a Hebrew-Aramaic Translation," 47-57 (abstract)
  • Eran Viezel, "The Attitude of Modern Scholarship to the Views of Medieval Jewish Exegetes on the Question of the Authorship of the Biblical Books," 79-99 (abstract)
  • Michael Avioz, "Geography in Josephus's Antiquities 5-7," 133-143 (abstract)
  • Jean-Louis Podvin, "À propos des isiaca de l'ancienne Palestine romaine," 145-158 (abstract)

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