Παρασκευή 3 Μαΐου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ThBeitr / In the current issue of ThBeitr

Theologische Beiträge 19:2 (2019)

Maximilian Zimmermann, "Im Anfang war das Bild? Impulse der Theologie Martin Kählers zur gegenwärtigen theologischen Diskussion um den iconic turn," 85-97 
Gottfried Boehm’s term iconic turn implies the priority of the image over the word, for the meaning of language is based on visual perception. This is inconsistent with the widespread theological emphasis on the priority of the word, often with reference to John 1:14 and Romans 10:17. However, the Protestant theologian Martin Kähler (1835–1912) placed emphasis on pictoral terms such as image, impression and portrait. Kähler did so based on his understanding of revelation as defined by Col 1:15: the invisible God revealed himself through visible or scenic events in history, or through images (e.g. Mark 15:39). Therefore, images are highly significant for the biblical understanding of God’s revelation in history and continue to be essential to Christian life and theology by being put into words (and texts) and by being communicated to others (through words) as normative images of salvation history.

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