Δευτέρα 6 Μαΐου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του SJOT / The current issue of SJOT

Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 33:1 (2019)

  • Ehud Ben Zvi, "Memories of Kings of Israel and Judah within the Mnemonic Landscape of the Literati of the Late Persian/Early Hellenistic Period: Exploratory Considerations," 1-15 (abstract)
  • Jørn Varhaug, "The Decline of the Shepherd Metaphor as Royal Self-Expression," 16-23 (abstract)
  • Louis C. Jonker, "Achaemenid Understanding of Law and Justice in Darius I’s Tomb Inscriptions: Are There Any Connections with Hebrew Bible Pentateuchal Conceptions?" 24-41 (abstract)
  • Tamara Prosic, "Experimental Pesah or, How do you Eat a Lamb while Holding a Staff in your Hand?" 42-64 (abstract)
  • Michael Nathanson, "The Name Game: Archaeologies of the Land of the Bible, Eretz Yisrael, the Holy Land and Palestine," 65-81 (abstract)
  • Årstein Justnes, "Predetermined for Predestination? On the Assumed Notion of Predestination in the Dead Sea Scrolls," 82-94 (abstract)
  • Frank Clancy, "The Chronicler’s Vorlage, Kalimi verses Auld," 95-110 (abstract)
  • Pauli Rahkonen, "Personal Names of the Pentateuch in the Northwest Semitic Context: A Comparative Study," 111-135 (abstract)
  • Nadav Na’aman, "The Jacob Story: Between Oral and Written Modes," 136-158 (abstract)

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