Τετάρτη 8 Μαΐου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSOT / The current issue of JSOT

Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 43:3 (2019)

  • Nathan Chambers, "Reading Joshua with Augustine and Sommer: Two frameworks for interpreting theophany narratives," 273-283 (abstract)
  • Kasper Siegismund, "The death of a virtuous woman? Proverbs 31.10-31, gnomic qatal, and the role of translation in the analysis of the Hebrew verbal system," 284-300 (abstract)
  • Jon-Michael Carman, "Abimelech the manly man? Judges 9.1-57 and the performance of hegemonic masculinity," 301-316 (abstract)
  • Geula Twersky, "Genesis 49: The foundation of Israelite monarchy and priesthood," 317-333 (abstract)
  • Matthew J Korpman, "Can anything good come from Sodom? A feminist and narrative critique of Lot’s daughters in Gen. 19.30-38," 334-342 (abstract)
  • Stephen Llewelyn, Natasha Heap, Alexandra Wrathall, "Reading the Siloam inscription as narrative," 343-358 (abstract)
  • Geoff John Aimers, "Theodicy in an ironical sense: The Joban Wager and the portrait of folly," 359-370 (abstract)
  • Koog P. Hong, "Abraham, our father, the father of all: A perspective from ancient Korean history," 371-384 (abstract)
  • Nathan Chambers, "Genesis 1.1 as the first act of creation," 385-394 (abstract)
  • James ‘Seth’ Adcock, "Does Jeremiah dispel diaspora demons? How Septuagint Jeremiah and 4Q71 (4QJerb) rewrote their text structures around an Aramaic war taunt which mocks Zion’s idolatry," 395-416 (abstract)
  • David Willgren, "‘May YHWH avenge me on you; but my hand shall not be against you’ (1 Sam. 24:13): Mapping land and resistance in the ‘biographical’ notes of the ‘Book’ of Psalms," 417-435 (abstract)
  • Rannfrid Irene Thelle, "Matrices of motherhood in Judges 5," 436-452 (abstract)
  • Ellen van Wolde, "The Niphal as middle voice and its consequence for meaning," 453-478 (abstract)
  • Jonathan A Thambyrajah, "Mordecai’s dream in Esther—The Greek and Latin versions, character, and the tradition of interpretation," 479-490 (abstract)
  • John William Herbst, "Valuing leadership and love: David exceeding Samson," 491-505 (abstract)

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