Σάββατο 4 Μαΐου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSNT / The current issue of JSNT

Journal for the Study of the New Testament 41:4 (2019)

  • Kai-Hsuan Chang, "Questioning the Feasibility of the Major Synoptic Hypotheses: Scribal Memory as the Key to the Oral–Written Interface," 407-432 (abstract)
  • A.D. Macdonald, "Resurrection in Mark 12: Refining the Covenant Hypothesis," 433–457 (abstract)
  • Olivia Rahmsdorf, "‘You shall not wash my feet εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα’ (John 13.8): Time and Ethics in Peter’s Interactions with Jesus in the Johannine Narrative," 458-477 (abstract)
  • Jason N. Yuh, "Analysing Paul’s Reference to Baptism in Galatians 3.27 through Studies of Memory, Embodiment and Ritual," 478-500 (abstract)
  • J. David Woodington, "Crafting the Eschaton: The Second Death and the Lake of Fire in Revelation," 501-518 (abstract)
  • Simon Butticaz, "Theologies of the New Testament in Twentieth-Century Francophone Scholarship: An Assessment of an (Absent) Tradition," 519–536 (abstract)

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