Παρασκευή 24 Μαΐου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JSHJ / In the current issue of JSHJ

Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus 17:1-2 (2019)

  • Fernando Bermejo-Rubio, "Theses on the Nature of the Leben-Jesu-Forschung: A Proposal for a Paradigm Shift in Understanding the Quest,"  1-34 (abstract)  
  • Jonathan C.P. Birch, "Revolutionary Contexts for the Quest: Jesus in the Rhetoric and Methods of Early Modern Intellectual History,"  35–80 (abstract)
  • Cristiana Facchini, "Jesus the Pharisee: Leon Modena, the Historical Jesus, and Renaissance Venice,"  81–101 (abstract)
  • Miriam Benfatto, "The Work of Isaac Ben Abraham Troki (16th Century): On the Place of the Sefer Hizzuq Emunah in the Quest for the Historical Jesus,"  102–120 (abstract)
  • Anthony Giambrone, "Schweitzer, Lagrange, and the German Roots of Historical Jesus Research,"  121–144 (abstract)
  • Bruce Chilton, "The Chimeric 'Empty Tomb'," 145–172 (abstract)

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