Τρίτη 7 Μαΐου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του EC / The current issue of EC

Early Christianity 10:1 (2019)
  • Clare K. Rothschild, "Editorial: Christian Oxyrhynchus," 1-2
  • Thomas A. Wayment, "Oxyrhynchus as a Test Case: Describing the Tensions That Led to the Creation of Textual Variation Units," 3-20 (abstract)
  • Malcolm Choat, Rachel Yuen-Collingridge, "Texts without Authors:  Unidentified Texts in the Christian Tradition from Roman Oxyrhynchus," 56-71 (abstract)
  • Peter Arzt-Grabner, "Three Weavers of the First Century CE: Tryphon of Oxyrhynchus, Pausiris of Oxyrhynchus, and Paul of Tarsus," 72-86 (abstract)
  • Brice C. Jones, "A Newly Published Fragment of the Gospel of Mark (P¹³⁷), " 89-93 (abstract)

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